I remember a few years ago when I had the "Salmon P Wiggle", a 14' Duranautic, My son Mark and I tied the boat to some Alders (before they cleared it all out) where the river enters Silver Lake. Right off the stern was a deep hole that held a huge school of Salmon. We could see them clearly. That day they were hitting! All we had to do was drop a crawler down and BANG! And we would have a Salmon. We caught 14 of them before they wised up. I'll never forget it!
Guys I'm not a donkey. I definately know the difference from a sucker and a Salmon. The water was clear as can be and these were without a doubt Salmon.
Hey M.T., LOL i was gonna leave a post earlier and say that but i figured you would LOL Did sound kind of funny though LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!!