their is a bait shop off of route 101 going towards hampton right before you get into hampton their is a light on 101 , take that right and follow it downto the end and the bait shop is on the left .we buy herring flats for 15.00 bucks theirand they have many other baits.
There used to be a little shack across the road from Little Bay marina, but they had erractic hours, and I'm not sure if it's still there. Try going over to the Portsmouth co-op one day (it's right across the street from the Pierce Island ramp), they'll hook you up with some bulk bait(cheap) and you can just bring it home and freeze it. I've gone in with $10 early in the am and asked for some macks, expecting 5 or so, and the guy gave me a 5 gallon bucket full!
Taylors Trading Post Bait & Tackle shop is on Route 9 in Madbury about 2 miles from the Dover line.
Take exit 8W off the Spaulding Trnpke. That will put you onto Rte 155. Take right(west or south?) heading towards Lee and go for 300 feet and turn right onto Rte 9 heading towards Barrington or Concord . Go about a total of 4 miles, crossing over the Bellamy Reservoir, and JUST past Taylor Egg Products on the left is a road on the left. Go down this road about 200' and the bait store is on the right.
He sells frozen mackerel, herring, clams, live eels, etc. Don't know his hours but the phone number is 742-5931
This is only about 4 miles out of your way instead of 20 plus.
And no I don't get a commission and am not family.
The shack across from Little Bay Marina looks to be closed since last year I think.As far as Taylors they sell striper bait that's great.I can shoot down rt.126 onto rt.9 and then over to rt.4.Been by there many times never thought of them THANKS GUYS
I was actually looking online earlier today for info on the Portsmouth Co-Op and read that it was temporarily closed and possibly out of business??? Anyone know for sure if this is so or was I reading old news that had changed?
I googled Portsmouth co-op and all the articles that came up were about it closing, but they were all from 2002. I haven't been there this year (freezer is full of macs), but there are plenty of commercial boats tied up there, and I think they're still operating. Whenever I went I was tied up at the dock and walked in the back door, usually around 5am. They're just regular guys and seemed happy to help out with any kind of bait we wanted, they had tons of different species laying around. The Seabrook co-op would do the same I imagine.
Went over to Taylors today,they were closed must have gone to lunch.Sign said be back at 12:30.They open at 7am except Sunday.We had planned to fish today but wife said with storms coming and raining falling we made a bait run instead.Ended up at the Seabrook Co-op,do you know how many herring you can get in a 5 gallon bucket,holy $@#t.She even got me to buy lunch at Markey's in Salisbury Ma. Shudda went fishn,weather was great down there. Got enough bait for the rest of this season,maybe even chum for ice fishing.