Speaking of fish "finning" the surface eating bugs, having observed this a few times during big bug hatches its my theory that only the really big fish have the luxury to do this...Face it, even a 12-16 in. fish could get inhaled by a really large salmon or just plain large laker. At the surface, in open water, smaller fish are toast to a big predator watching from below. I have seen what I figure to be 24-30 in browns down here in small reservoirs -- big, big fish -- fining and feeding just below the surface...
I was just kidding... the fish that I've been seeing not only are "finning" the surface... they're jumping clear out of the water. Seen enough of them and close enough to say they are definitely bass and lots of them are only 10" long. Would be nice to see a big ol' laker come up and suck one of them in! I'm sure it happens, I just haven't seen it.