ive only been fishing the river up there for the last few years, if you fly fish the trophy section below francis lake can be incredible if the flow is high enough to draw the larger fish out of first conneticut. i wouldnt fish any new england salmon lakes without a few db smelts, some topguns or similar small lure, some sutton spoons, and small copper mooselook wobblers. flouro 4 pound tippets seem to increase the odds. i think the timberland lodge? on back lake has a guide service for both the river and the lakes, something to consider for the beginning of the week if you havent fished these waters
Michiganman, My Grandfather used to use just a single hook (depends on the size of the baitfish) and hook it right in front of the top fin, then he used to put a big rubber core sinker about 8' above the bait and let it swim freely on the bottom, he would also leave the reel on freespool and feed the fish about 150'--200' of line before locking the spool and setting the hook, if it wasn't a keeper when he got it to the boat he would most times just cut the hook so as not to injure the fish, be prepared it can be slow at times fishing like that but they're some huge lake trout in their. another good spot on the first to try with bait on the bottom and approx 1/2 way from the bottom is across from where the beach is in about 40 to 50 feet of water I've caught both salmon and lakers in that spot anchored Good Luck and make sure to leave a post when you get back and let us know how ya did Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North
A friend just got back from a week in Pittsburg and said the water level in all the lakes and rivers is very high.Rained every morning and evening while they were there.A lot of the boat ramps were under water.
Most if the guys on this board fish Winni, I fish it on occasion when I'm lucky enough to get an invite.
Plenty of action, an occaisonal monster or two (Laker or Salmon) and plenty of varity and areas to fish, just get on channel 12 and give a shout to find out where they are biting best.. Great bunch of guys (and a few gals) fish that Lake.
ive got to agree with john as much as i love it up there those lakes cant hold a candle to winni and newfound ive never fished the squam lakes so i cant really comment on them it would be about a hundred mile drive from pittsburg to winni