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Re: More info about the graph

I do understand that speed effects the depth obviously.
A lot more than just speed affects it too, but i don't agree with their reference point depths at 2 mph even.

5 colors of lead at 2 mph will not be 30 feet down unless something is added like a deep diving rapala or hunk of lead or maybe a cod jig.

But Hey maybe i am crazy, anyone else have an opinion on this one, grey ghost you must have an opinion if the #'s are right or wrong? How close do you think they are.

I believe 6 colors will get you 28 feet and a full core will get about 40 with 18lb. I don't have hard facts to back it up but it is what i think. at 2 mph.

Main reason i believe this is the morning fish now are at 34 feet pretty steady and i can't touch one with lead unless i am out 7-8 colors with their chart i would get bites with 5-6 and i don't.

Re: YoAdrien seems right

I too doubt the "depth curves" published for leadcore. The only time I think I've approach the 5-6 ft / color is when I've used a keel weight / sinker in between the leadcore and leader. That seemed to work pretty well when I tried it at Moosehead last year. I think Cabela's and others are trying to make us feel we can do with leadcore (cheaper) than what you can do with a 'rigger...but you can't.

I'm going to try even heavier keel weights (5/8 to 1 1/4 ounce) and see if I can get more predictable sink rates....good discussion on this as always

Re: More info about the graph

The Precision Trolling Big Water Edition was put together scientifically, that is to say under control condition. Data was taken on calm water days at a known speed and a diver down to make the observation and record the data. Read the bio’s of the authors. Is there any data out in the fishing world that contradict the data that was collected?

We in the fishing world only provide anecdotal observations, biased with what ever biases that we have been exposed to in our fishing lives.

I don’t believe that any lead core manufactures have done any testing under control conditions. I just received information from Cortland and requested sinking rates for their lead core, they sent me ever thing else except sinking rates. I'll have to ask them directly if they have and performance data.

Re: Re: More info about the graph

Ok, That being said Grey Ghost what are your anecdotal observations based on your own fishing experiances about how fast lead core sinks?

Re: Re: Re: More info about the graph

I will be putting together an article that discusses what we have talked about so far and additional information on lead core in a concise format. When driving up to the lake Friday to fish with Salty, I thought about several other points that are relevant and should be discussed to portray a clearer picture of what is happening when fishing with lead core. This whole process, is a learning experience for me to delve into the nuts and bolts of lead core trolling as to why thing are the way they are. It will take me some time to get the data and present it in a manner that all can understand.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leadcore

Thanks to all who shared information on my question. It is great to have a site where everyone shares information so freely. Thanks again

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leadcore

I by no mean's know 1/2 as much as some of the pro's on here but i do know that i bought a new leadcore set-up from A.J.'s i wish it had the line counter on it but unfortunately it doesn't. When i went up to Canada a few weeks ago My leadcore outfished both the downriggers and my buddy's leadcore set-up (not sure why as he also has 18# lead with approx the same amount of leader) my pole counted for approx 80% of our catch's, but i was also 9-10 colors out with about 75' of 10# fluro, and an 8' leader of 8#fluro attached to it, the other leadcore was catching fish too but also with 9-10 colors out. When i fished the Winni Derby i caught my only nice Salmon out 10 colors down by Rattlesnake and Aardvark estimated i was down about 40Feet, I usually use only Dbsmelt lures and top guns only once in awhile do i put on a bigger spoon such as a big sutton when i'm trying to catch a Huge Laker LOL Only my 2 cents as like i said i don't know 1/2 as much as guys like Adrian and Travis LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leadcore

It is strange how sometimes the lead core will consistantly outfish the riggers and we know how deep riggers are, lead core is only at best, a good guess.

Travis allways told me if you catch bottom you then know how far down you lead is/was, LOL how trues it is.

When I read about sink rate are we talking about how fast it will sink or how deep ????????? Not really that important to me just thought I would throw it out.

You guys lost me days ago with the first paragraph, especially Gus (Gray Ghost) and Adrien, WOW you guys are talking a whole new launguage for me, LOL.

John S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Leadcore

Just a thought on leadcore. With that many colors out.And with a windy day. Would this affect the action on lures. With the wind affecting boat speed also waves.I know underwater currents do. Maybe its the windy days. When leadcore works better. Nothing to back this up. Just thought of this while reading the other replies.