It is strange how sometimes the lead core will consistantly outfish the riggers and we know how deep riggers are, lead core is only at best, a good guess.
Travis allways told me if you catch bottom you then know how far down you lead is/was, LOL how trues it is.
When I read about sink rate are we talking about how fast it will sink or how deep ????????? Not really that important to me just thought I would throw it out.
You guys lost me days ago with the first paragraph, especially Gus (Gray Ghost) and Adrien, WOW you guys are talking a whole new launguage for me, LOL.
Just a thought on leadcore. With that many colors out.And with a windy day. Would this affect the action on lures. With the wind affecting boat speed also waves.I know underwater currents do. Maybe its the windy days. When leadcore works better. Nothing to back this up. Just thought of this while reading the other replies.