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Re: Re: Re: Re: Downrigger Temp/Speed Probe

I agree with you about the clips in front of the wheel.I Tied 130 lb cable on my plate to the ball but there is still a difference in the speed I'm thinking next year of using dacron line.I had Jeff from Fish 307 send me some 130 Dacron stuff I'm going to tie it on just like you would tie on a lure at the plate then to the ball I would rather lose the ball than the probe you know?I posted a site in one of my posts that might help you out for the western end of the lake it's also 325 miles to Fair Haven for me it would be an extra 1.5 to 2 hours to hit the Oak aera but like you said it something we have to do.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Downrigger Temp/Speed Probe

I've been thinking about going out there (anywhere)for years on a charter maybe. Someday I hope, my boat can't go that far from home. Too much work to get er ready for that long a trip, from Squam to Winni can be an adventure for the Barge as some of you may know, LOL....

John S.

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Replying to:

I agree with you about the clips in front of the wheel.I Tied 130 lb cable on my plate to the ball but there is still a difference in the speed I'm thinking next year of using dacron line.I had Jeff from Fish 307 send me some 130 Dacron stuff I'm going to tie it on just like you would tie on a lure at the plate then to the ball I would rather lose the ball than the probe you know?I posted a site in one of my posts that might help you out for the western end of the lake it's also 325 miles to Fair Haven for me it would be an extra 1.5 to 2 hours to hit the Oak aera but like you said it something we have to do.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Downrigger Temp/Speed Probe

I guess the subject was speed/temp probes and I replied about Ontario, duh.

I use the Moor Sub Troll, actually I've had 3 of them I think, they are all on the bottom of Squam. I currently don't have one, lost my last one early Septembe, decided to wait to replace it..

I like the idea of the wireless one like a well known guide on Winni uses, but I forgot the name of it, they advertise as "the one that works". At any rate I swore next time I had to replace my probe I would upgrade to the "wireless one, that works". But when I look up the cost of the replacement probe (with cable) I think it's like 169.00 Vs about 600.00 for the "one that works". That being said and the fact that mine "actualy works", quite well in fact, I keep buying new Moor Subtrol probes.

The last one I lost was my own fault, my cable sleeve let go when it caught bottom.

Sub Troll actually supplies a lighter test cable to attach your probe to the ball, so if you get caught your only supposed to loose the ball and it works too as long as everything else stays together.

I find it actually pretty durable in fact, several times I had to replace the internal battery and didn't have any vaseline to put on the threads of the cap, probe filled up with water. Both times, fearing the electronics were cooked, I dried the probe out well and put the cap back on with vaseline and it worked without a problem.

So, all that being daid, I would give the nod to the Moor Subtroll, they "actualy work" and are cheaper and mine stays under the boat pretty well with a 10 pound ball at depths to 80 to 90 feet.

Oh and most importantly the replacement probe is reasonably priced and available from Cabelas, etc.

John S.

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Replying to:

I've been thinking about going out there (anywhere)for years on a charter maybe. Someday I hope, my boat can't go that far from home. Too much work to get er ready for that long a trip, from Squam to Winni can be an adventure for the Barge as some of you may know, LOL....

John S.

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Replying to:

I agree with you about the clips in front of the wheel.I Tied 130 lb cable on my plate to the ball but there is still a difference in the speed I'm thinking next year of using dacron line.I had Jeff from Fish 307 send me some 130 Dacron stuff I'm going to tie it on just like you would tie on a lure at the plate then to the ball I would rather lose the ball than the probe you know?I posted a site in one of my posts that might help you out for the western end of the lake it's also 325 miles to Fair Haven for me it would be an extra 1.5 to 2 hours to hit the Oak aera but like you said it something we have to do.
