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Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

good post Adrien, Alan Nute set me up w/ 4 Magda pro 30dx w/lead last summer just as you described in your post. they were not alot of money and worked out great.


Re: Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

My 2 cents...I totally agree with YO and ilucas on the Magda Pro line counter Okuma's. I run the Magda 30's with 100 yards of 15# mono backing and 10 colors of 18# leadcore. It all fits perfectly with room left over for leaders. Paired with the 7' 6" yellow Eagle Claw rods, they can't be beat for the money. The 20's will hold 200+ yards of 15# mono that I use for downrigging.
Springtime I go lighter and load the 20's with 5 colors of lead when I don't need to go too deep.
Like Adrien stated, all reels were bought this year, 2006 and I had no problem with them.
I also bought a couple of 27 Daiwa's for more money and they were not any better than the Magda Pro's.
Of course, this will only be my third season at this and I have never had the privilege of fighting a 5 pound plus salmon like many of the pro's and non-pro's on this site have...Still learning and loving every minute of it!

Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

YOAdrien very well put.I never thought of using the okumas as reels for winni and when I fish maine.I use ultra light set ups when I fish other than Lake Ontario.I'm just getting into lead core so I enjoy your posts on lead line fishing.You seem like a well seasoned fishermen.Thanks for the input.


Re: Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

From a guy who knows him, calling him a well seasoned fishermen is def. an understatement, He enjoys fishing so much and gets so excited i almost enjoy watching him more then catching fish LMAO, and of course he helped me to get rid of my friggin DONKEY too LOL Take Care God Bless and Good Hunting LOL Dave From up North

Re: Re: Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

Dave from what I have read I won't ask about the donkey.Like I always tell my daughter I will all ways be a kid even when I'm 100 years old just tie wrap a rod to my hand I'll get the fish in some how!!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Daiwa Accudepth Linecounter Reel

Thanks for the input guys. I think that I will wait until the spring and pick up some of the okuma's at AJ's.


Re: Re: okuma problem

Yo Adrien

how do you know if the magda 15 or whatever size is a 2006?

I have one from a couple of years ago and keep having a problem: the reel sticks or freezes when in freespool...about half the time. One of our local guys thought it was a loose screw he noticed inside, which he tightened, but the problem returned.

have you heard about such a problem?

wondering if this has been resolved in newer models and how to tell what's a 2006.

Re: Re: Re: okuma problem

Floyd from what I could tell the few times I used them, they seem like a decent reel, not sure what is 2006 or older model as I don't own any. But I think most of the dealers turn thier inventory over pretty well and you knpow Cabelas must sell a boat load.

They are kind of a "throw away" reel anyhow at the low price, I'd can the one your having trouble with and buy another. You don't want a "reel problem when that biggest fish of the season is on".

If Adrien likes it, he can certainly afford the best and usually goes with the best, it must be a decent reel.

Another point, the charter guys like him that use them are having all kinds of people use and abuse them and they are holding up, so they must be OK.
Most salt water charter boats go with s--- equipment, old and plain junk. But the Winni charter guys have more pride in thier equipment, cheapo reel or not, you know it's going to be good and work well if they use it.

I might pick up a few meself.

John S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: okuma problem

I did get one of those reels that did that to me... I believe it was a 15. When you turned the reel upside down you could get it to freespool, but rightside up it wouldn't work??? I brought it back... was given a new one. They're covered under warranty by the manufacturer. However, I returned mine within a few days... not sure you could return yours at this point?

Other than that one problem, mine have worked great. I bought like eight of them this past summer. 15s and 20s. Biggest fish we had on one of mine was about a five pound salmon... drag worked just fine.

The price is amazing... especially considering the linecounters actually work. I've used others in the past (more money) that had faulty line counters. Always nice to know how far back from the rigger ball you are, so you can keep putting the lure back where the hits are coming from.

Magdas... try 'em you'll like 'em.

Re: Re: Re: okuma problem

I don't know but i bough them all this spring and summer from places that wouldn't have old ones hanging around. i guess i am just assuming them to be 2006 models. could be 05's

as far as problems and fixing them goes, i have no idea i have never had a problem with 1 yet except for 1 i had 5 years ago that i burned.