I did get one of those reels that did that to me... I believe it was a 15. When you turned the reel upside down you could get it to freespool, but rightside up it wouldn't work??? I brought it back... was given a new one. They're covered under warranty by the manufacturer. However, I returned mine within a few days... not sure you could return yours at this point?
Other than that one problem, mine have worked great. I bought like eight of them this past summer. 15s and 20s. Biggest fish we had on one of mine was about a five pound salmon... drag worked just fine.
The price is amazing... especially considering the linecounters actually work. I've used others in the past (more money) that had faulty line counters. Always nice to know how far back from the rigger ball you are, so you can keep putting the lure back where the hits are coming from.
I don't know but i bough them all this spring and summer from places that wouldn't have old ones hanging around. i guess i am just assuming them to be 2006 models. could be 05's
as far as problems and fixing them goes, i have no idea i have never had a problem with 1 yet except for 1 i had 5 years ago that i burned.