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Last weekend

Good luck to all this weekend still in search of filling the tags. its the last, but maybe the best with the weather forcasted.....

2 more weeks for bow, I'll set my trap line this weekend....


Re: Last weekend

Come set a few traps in my backyard if you want 4 legged beaver. Friggin things are damming things up and cutting down really nice trees. Too many kids in the neighborhood to break out a bow or a gun. Neighbors are ****** too.
I heard beaver is good bear bait. At least that is what a outfitter in Sask. Canada told me. He had a few in the freezer we put our hides in. Smelled funky!


Re: Re: Last weekend

You can get a nuisance trapper to come in and clean them out Brad. Got to be someone down that neck of the woods.
Let me know


Re: Re: Re: Last weekend

My son is a trapper in vt. You call the fish & game and they contact the trapper to get them out of your pond at $40.00 each one. Now that it is trapping season if you are the land owner just get your own trapper to do it for you, for the pelts. The fish and game will still put you in touch with a trapper.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Last weekend

Ever since the tree huggers down here passed the bill banning "cruel" traps, the population has exploded. I'm thinking that the trappers have retired rather than buy new gear. Every spring I see several beavers hit by cars. Some look HUGE to me. Bodies the size of 3 soccer balls. I dont think that this part of Mass would have many, if any trappers.
Popeye....come and get em please. Help your little brother out.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Last weekend

Hopefully the MA trapping laws never make it to NH. That would stink. No more "under the ice" trapping for beaver. Haven't seen a cage trap that works well under water... and the Bailey & Hancock traps require open water... all three types are expensive in comparison to the net value of a beaver pelt nowadays. Imagine spending over a hundred bucks on a trap that you can't very well hide and then finding it stolen (either by a antihunter or some loser). Bad enough when a ten dollar foothold comes up missing...

Mass charges $200 for an out of state trapper license, plus you have to register your traps (only $5 for all of them) but then you have to imprint every trap with this number as well. Now figure in the gas, mileage, material, time and labor to drive and set a trapline and you see why not many people trap anymore.

A good beaver pelt is going to bring a top of $30-$40 this year (according to my favorite magazine FurFishGame). This top price is if the pelt is prime... put a live animal in a cage trap or a Hancock/Bailey and see how much damage they do to themselves trying to get out. Now that pelt is worth $10-$20 tops... and it cost the trapper more to get it this way. Sheesh.

Heck... its possible a skunk hide will sell for more than some beaver pelts! Unreal, huh?

OK... off my soapbox.

Re: Re: Last weekend

Try this - call your local DPW / town highway dept. and find out how they deal with problem beavers in culverts etc. If they have someone who solves that problem maybe that someone can solve yours. Good Luck