Got a couple yesterday practicing. I got one that was just over 3 lbs, while Snooze You Lose got one at 20" and 4 lbs.....It would have been in the money next weekend.
Nice day
Nice fish! I got out yesterday, great day to be fishing, I fished the broads off wolfeboro neck there was 6-10 of ice in some spots. BLack ice everywhere saw a nice laker but I think he could see me as well. only 2 flags, Owell still nice to be out on the ice..
thanks alot . you were fishing on the west side of dearnick bridge on the south side of the channel over by browns island correct ? how much ice ? and did you have to walk throughthe no tresspassing area of the water works? "reel it in "
spoke to a gentleman at the manchester water works and he said that area is now open to fishing . the lake is state owned and they own the land around the lake . we can fish on that side of dearneck bridge to a certain point and we can go across their land over on 28 by the bridge, also 4 wheelers are not allowed on the ice but snowmobiles are allowed on the ice but they can't go on their property to get on the ice. I should be out there on sunday around 5 am . did you park right off the road by the bridge? hope to see you out there. "reel it in"