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Take a kid fishin'.......

The look on their faces when they pull a fish through that hole in the ice is priceless!!

The wife and I took her uncle and two young cousins (ages 8 and 11) fishin' on the big lake today. We were able to stay out of the wind hiding in a cove. I had set some cusk lines yesterday so as soon as we got on the ice today, we checked those lines and luck would have it the 11yr old pulled in her first cusk, 24", awesome, off to a good start! We checked another of the lines and the 8yr old pulled in his first laker, 16", set free, what a blast!!

We got some new holes drilled, lines set, and managed one more laker, 21", taken by the 11yr old. Pure excitement!! A few more missed flags with bait gone, overall a great day on the lake. The kids got to bring home dinner for their family, they were very excited and proud!

Take a kid fishin', a few flags, and an added bonus of watching them pull those fish through the ice along with the huge smiles is PRICELESS!!

Re: Take a kid fishin'.......

I agree and they will most likely be "hooked" as we all are! Good Job!
The only problem I have when I take my grandsons is that they love it so much they won't tell me when they are cold!
Last year after an afternoon of fishin' with Bailey as we started our trip home.....he asked if I could turn the heat up warmer in the truck. I asked him if his feet were cold and he said he didn't know cause he could not feel them!! This is after constantly asking him on the lake if he was cold and he always said no!!
He loves to fish and did not want to go home...believe me when I tell you he is just like his uncle Travis ...as he loves to fish!!
Good Luck to all in the Derby and take a kid with you!