Did you get into any "Reds" in the backwater ?? We hammer them down there and Spekled Trout are fun too if you really get into them.
Have fun, I'll be thun ingh of ya when I'm eating that yummy Pork.
John S.
John S.
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hey John
tried both the ocean side and out back. best luck was with a guide......... out back in the bay and up in everglades park. Did a little fishing on my own anchored on the atlantic side but only picked up a few small yellowtail.
caught a small leatherjack while chumming and jigging shrimp for whatever in one of the channels. thought i'd put in on a hook and throw it back in as bait. unfortunately i wasn't prepared for this one. Turns out the the dorsal and anal spines are sharp and venomous. i got punctured on one of my fingers and felt a pain i can't describe. it lasted several minutes during which time i was pretty incapacitated. what a baby, eh!
i'd like to go back for awhile; but my wife would like some help around here. so the next trip will be a short one. can't complain. she paid for most of my expenses on my last trip! birthday present.
God I do like Barbeque.
Maybe the RFP's can have one this summer?
Snook up in the glades. Have yet to catch Reds or trout down there. But We did get into Jack Cravelle, Snapper, Spanish Macks, Grouper and an awesome Cobia . We had a Jack on the line and a Goliath Grouper inhaled it a couple of times but we didn't have a hook big enough to snag it. I swear it was minimum 50 lbs.
Did I say the snapper Piccata was delicious?
What time of year do you have luck with the redfish??
my brother chartered in the keys (Key West) for almost 10 years and he never caught a seatrout and only 1 redfish ever. I don't think they range all the way down the keys.
Probably right, the furthest south I now of Red Fish and Speks for sure is Daytona.
John S.
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my brother chartered in the keys (Key West) for almost 10 years and he never caught a seatrout and only 1 redfish ever. I don't think they range all the way down the keys.
This month's saltwater sportsman magazine has an article on Redfish feeding on spring softshell crabs in South Carolina backwaters. It mentions Indian River Lagoon ( is that it on Florida's east coast... south of Daytona ? ) and Venice, Louisiana as the prime redfish destinations.
The Indian River is the intercoastal in the Daytona area.
John S.
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This month's saltwater sportsman magazine has an article on Redfish feeding on spring softshell crabs in South Carolina backwaters. It mentions Indian River Lagoon ( is that it on Florida's east coast... south of Daytona ? ) and Venice, Louisiana as the prime redfish destinations.