Salty posted that the last day to order a meal for the "GATHERING" would be March 15th--today.
So if you you are so inclined you better put your request in NOW. We will not be ordering extra meals.
Hi Cal can you put me down for 1 more meal????? I'm bringing my buddy whether i gotta tie him up or not LOL Thanks a million Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up North (2 meals total)
If he don't make it I'll help ya eat he extra meal,LOL.
Get some (2 bottles) of the secret scent on yur way down, shhh.
John S.
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Replying to:
Hi Cal can you put me down for 1 more meal????? I'm bringing my buddy whether i gotta tie him up or not LOL Thanks a million Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up North (2 meals total)
If I can make it over that way I surely will Just for you LOL but if it catches the Grand Prize at the winne derby how we gonna split it 3 ways LMAO Just Kidding Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up North