No wonder the wife lets you go fishing so much ROFLMAO LOL If its that big you ain't giving me no more hugs if i catch a big fish LMAO Just Joking buddy LOL Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up NOrth who's still laughing like crazy LOL
No ice down here in sunny Mexico, only the Hawian Tropics finals at our hotel beach/pool, some real nice looking fish walking around the pool, hard to hook up though, they want "live bait".. Popeye where are you when I need you, LOL.
Gotta go now,
John S.
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Replying to:
No wonder the wife lets you go fishing so much ROFLMAO LOL If its that big you ain't giving me no more hugs if i catch a big fish LMAO Just Joking buddy LOL Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up NOrth who's still laughing like crazy LOL
Sure Rub it in Sampson Sounds like you LMAO Freezing and cold up here and no hotties running around in bikinis LOL Don't get the ticker too excited LOL Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up North