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Lake Champlain

Ruth and I fished Lake Champlain Saturday and was joined by our son Glen on sunday. Weather was overcast on saturday but the fishin'was hot. Had a ton of hookups but couldn't get them to the net before they got off. We did land 4 or 5 lakers and let them go anyway.Bait fish was everywhere tons and tons of it with big fish all around but couldn't get them to hookup. Did hook up with one big fish half way to the boat it got off, when I reeled in the Sutton spoon was bent in half and there was a 8" lamprey on one of the hooks, strange.
Sunday started out overcast and rain showers some times heavy, but the fishin' was hot, we had doubles 3 or 4 times and lost a salmon about 6 or more lbs because of doubles at the time and couldn't get it in the net.So glen helped me land my laker which was 27" and 12.5 lbs. I sent the picture to the bragging board so it should be posted soon.
We had a great time and will be going back soon.
Ernie & Ruthie
Fishin' Buddies
Thanks to Roland and Lena your info was dead on that spot and we had a blast.