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Re: The Rest of the Story

Headed to ME. to canoe the Allagash for a week with Strings. Then home for a day then to Champ with Daughter to meet up with B-Man & Capt. Mac for a week. Johnney white Gloves to arrive when he gets the oK.
So won't be back on winni till end of July.
Winnipesaukee. ( In the smile of the Great Spirit)the Indian name givin to the lake by Chief Wanaton. Wan-a TON the name given to him by his father. Because he had a eye for short chubby squaws. Wan-a-TON.
Wanaton after 3 failed marriages & 3 lost tee-pees in each settlement. Finaly settled down with the shortest & squatest of Squaws. Dances with Elves.
They had 3 daughters
Dances in Brooks
Dances in Streams
& Dances in Rivers.
Which resulteded in the nameing of the most important bait fish in lake winni. (Smelt) Now u know the rest of the story. TnT W-Fat


When will you fish on Squam with me, bite is bad now, maybe it will be better in July. I sucked in 2 of your buddies for this weekend, told them to get here at 4:00 as the bite is over by 5:00, I'll do anything for Shrimp Cocktail, lol. Maybe we wil get lucky and catch a fish or two ??

Big John