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Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Opened the site this morning and UGHHHHHHHH pop up adds galore. I know first hand that A.J. works incredible hours and does this great site between work/family/and play, and don't expect this to be taken care of at once as I appreciate all he does for us, I'm just curious if anyone else got pop up adds when they came onto the site this morning???????? Maybe it's my Comp. but none of my other websites I visit did it? Take Care God Bless LOL Dave and Goodluck if your on the water this weekend

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Here too. Popups and ads all over the place.

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Probably helps pay for the site?

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

One got past the blocker too

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Nothing but spam here to.A.J. got work to do.polebreaker

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

One pop up here. Looks like whoever he uses to host the site decided to run pop-up adds.

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Pop ups isnt the word!! It is more like computer molestation!!!!

Hope it gets corrected.


Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

pop up after pop here also...

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Well If it's the pop ups that help pay for the site??????? I say to A.J. start charging us a small fee to get rid of them UGHHHHHHHHHH I know I would be more than glad to pay a small fee to get rid of those stupid things "Pain in the Butt" But lets give the poor guy (A.J.) a break too, if you seen or knew the hours this poor guy puts in plus taking care of the site You wouldn't be so hard on him Take Care God Bless LOL Dave Who's not worried that A.J. will fix it like he always does LOL

Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

It's not to help with costs. It will be corrected soon.


Re: Anyone else getting pop up adds this morning?????

Hey Salty, Hope A.J. didn't think I was trying to rush him???? I of all people know how hard he works and know him well enough that he will fix it as soon as time allows Take Care God Bless LOL Dave