Nice fish your dad caught! Love to see these family angling outings -- so much more important than they sometimes seem...until they are gone.
I came back from Germany May 1st in time to hunt turkeys. Got up at 3 AM for 20 of the past 28 mornings until finally scored on a nice gobbler. I'm getting too old not to get the gobbler the first week of hunting!
I return to Germany June 18 for 6 weeks and then return with my lady-love, Karin, on August 1st. We will marry on August 16th at the Bear island church at 11:15 and you are invited... as are all my angling buddies on the water that day. Come and lift a glass in celebration of the fact that no one is too old to fall deeply in love!
We'll have food (bring a fish to throw on the grill if you have one), wedding cake, drink, moose meat and hopefully some music at 140 Bear.
We'll honeymoon fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland just after the wedding.
Thanks again for the great ice fishing with you which we captured on video for the DVD where in we must have set some kind of record catching 18 lakers in 2 hours!
(How can I get fresh veggies and strawberries from you?)