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Fishing report, Saturday morning

First good morning since ice out for Nancy and me.

Fished the South end 6:00 am to 9:30 am, low double digits, the bite was over by 8:30 am. No Rainbows or Lakers, just Salmon. Only 2 keepers, had to keep one (bleeder) that was fat and full of eggs.

Surface temp about 56-57 all fish caught on lead only, 2-3 colors, nothing deeper for us anyway.

They seemed to prefer a little slower speed 1.8 to 1.9 (we usually run 2-2,2) and needed coaxing, lazy 8's, speed up, slow down, etc.

Oh ya, hot color was purple, Top Guns out produced DB's.

Nice to have something to post for a change.
Good luck out there!