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electric winch

thinking of buying an electric winch for my "ez loader" roller trailer to pull my 18 ft. Lund Alaskan on, getting tired of cranking. boat is aluminium so it's not that heavy. i was thinking about an electric powerwinch (make) with strap ( not cable). cabela's is selling Trac winches but don't know anything about what make is best...???

Re: electric winch

Just drive it on

Re: electric winch

guess you don't have any experiance with a roller trailer, you can't just drive it on.

Re: electric winch

Not sure why it would be a problem. I have a roller trailer and drive it right on to within a foot of the clip. No problems.

Re: electric winch

JR, are you fishing this weekend.

Big John

Re: electric winch

Try contacting Gray Ghost (Gus) He has a great set up.


Re: electric winch

I have a 21ft lund sportsman that i
dive onto a roller trailer.

Re: electric winch

I don't have a roller trailer but I can imagine trying to drive it on the trailer up a steep boat ramp all alone could be a problem. As a matter of fact I have seen a guy w/ roller trailer at a ramp start backing down after un hooking at the bow loop only to have the boat roll right off the trailer!!!!!

Re: electric winch

My 21'er is on a roller trailer... I rarely power load the thing, but still do minimal winching. I back the trailer in so that the back set of rollers are just barely breaking the surface of the water and drift the boat on with the help of a looong rope. I get the bow within a foot or two of the winch, hook onto the bow eye and in just a few cranks its tight to the winch stand. Quick and easy, even when I'm alone.

I was always told you should take no more than two minutes at the ramp. That time limit helps keep the line moving along and no one gets testy. LOL. I would think an electric winch would slow the process down instead of speed it up, no?