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boat pulled out of winnapausauki

Pulled the boat off the lake sunday and took her home for a full cleaning and re rig with salt water tackle. I hope to be on the lake a few more times before the end of the season, in the mean time give me a shout on the radio if ya can reach the mighty saltwater.

See ya


Re: boat pulled out of winnapausauki

Don't blame you. Wish I could turn back a few years. I used to hit the salt every day off, and most every vacation day. (7 weeks of vaca) Now that I'm retired and have the time it would kill me to go at that pace. If you want to catch a lot of fish in June the ocean is the place to go!


Re: boat pulled out of winnapausauki

June is the best month to catch fish around here. Fresh or Saltwater. Although the dogs should be showing up in June, if you can fight your way thru them there is plenty of good ground fishing, and stripers are off the chart in June.

It's great to be a fisherman.
