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The situation/riggers

I need to sell some stuff in order to get back out on the water!

My tilt/trim s$%^ the bed and I can't take her out again until it is replaced. I found a used one at M&M Salvage for 395 which is what I am leaning towards considering a new one is 800...

So, For SALE

2 - Canon Uni-Troll HP manual riggers with 4 foot booms and swivel bases. 160 each or 300 for both.

1 - Scotty Propack 1116 - swivel base, dual rod holder, telescoping boom. VERY NICE RIGGER! Still in box. Never used! Lowest price I have found this online anywhere from 485 to 585. I will take 425 for it.



Re: The situation/riggers

Check around some more, he allways ask 50% of new, no matter wat it is or what condition.

Big John

Re: The situation/riggers

Hey Cody, is it the electric motor on your tilt/trim that is shot???? If so I'd take it off and have it rebuilt at a shop that specializes in electric motors. A local guy had the same problem on his kicker, and got the electric motor rebuilt for a 1/4 of what a new one would have cost him. If you need the name of a place throw me a text message or call my cell Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: The situation/riggers

Thanks Dave, it is actually the hydrolic unit that is messed up. It is real weak and wont hold the pressure due to a bad seal on the top of the cylinder.

Re: The situation/riggers

I'll send a message to your E-mail ref.
the Scotty DR---
kenny g