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Want to buy 40 hp motor

I'm looking for a good condition used/rebuilt 40 hp to repower a whaler. Anyone have one for sale, know of one for sale, or know where I might look?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Want to buy 40 hp motor

I have a 50 HP Evninrude with controls if you are interested
Throbbin Rods

Re: Want to buy 40 hp motor

Thanks for your reply. My boat is a late 80s or early 90s 13 ft whaler that's rated for 40 hp max. I don't know enough about this sort of thing to say whether I could get away with a slightly larger motor or not. Any thoughts?

Re: Want to buy 40 hp motor

My .02 - NEVER exceed the rating for your boat.
Throbbin Rods

Re: Want to buy 40 hp motor

I'm sure you're right. Thanks for the reply though.