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Good morning fellow Lake Winni folk
I am looking for a 12' piece of 3" x 3" thinwall square tubing for an extended trailer tongue. Any ideas?


Re: Wanted

I did the same thing to an old utility trailer i had. i bought the steel for the tongue at a steel place in Manchester, NH. I can't remember the name of the place but is right behind the 7-11 Store at the intersection of Brwon Avenue and Queen City Avenue. I was in and out of there in about 3 minutes with what I needed. The guy just pulled it off a cull/scrap pile he had in the yard. And it was very cheap.

Good luck-

Re: Wanted

That would be Lyon's Iron works.


Re: Wanted

Go with stainless. Melansons in Keene.

Re: Wanted

Hey Bill throw me a shout on my cell tomorrow Rob's dad deals in scrap metal, I bet he could come up with a piece for ya. Give me a call Take Care God Bless LOL Dave