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Fishing Report

I have been fortunate enough to have been out on the water a lot lately!

Took my parents out Sunday morning for fathers day, had a blast caught a decent amount. A few nice couple salmon in the 21" range. Biggest salmon was caught off a rigger at 40 feet... my lake trout rigger (40 footer) shot off a couple times over the week with nice salmon on the line??

Fished Tues. morn with the girlfriends grandfather (brownie points). Not a lot of action, 4 hours of fishing with 3 salmon one laker and one smallie. 2 LDR's on okay salmon.

Had back to back trips Wednesday and it really turned around for us! Had one of my best morning yet on Winni, afternoon slowed down for us but we still managed a solid amount of fish.

Most fish came off the riggers in the 17-27' range. Leadcore was VERY slow for me this week with only 4-5 fish on 4-6 colors. My most qaulity salmon this week came from my 17' rigger or my 35-40' rigger??

Hot Colors for the Kool-Aid boat this week were some of Matty's guide specials, Kool-aid color (only for the first hour each day), don't think it has a name, but it was flashy orange with a little silver and black and NH guide in the guide special. There are a couple other lures that are those special made one that you can't find at the store and I lost 2 of them! Gonna try to match them next time I'm in the area.

Also had the biggest fish on so far on Winni for me. 5 colors of leadcore pulled out the rest just into the backing and my mono snapped a few feet before my leader. That was the most excited I have been fishing this year! My stomach is turning just thinking about it! LOL. This was on a firesmelt, single hook. I ran a firesmelt for the rest of the week with nothing... stupid, but I just had to have it out there!

Another thing that worked for me a lot was switching speeds more frequently then I usually do (every 10 minutes or so) anywhere from 1.8 to 2.5 caught fish. I also made more frequent turns. Looking for that reaction bite!

Tyler with his first Salmon! And a beauty it was!
Tyler 3 lbs
And his first Lake trout! This kid is gonna be a fisherman!
Chris and his son Duncan, a nice graduation present!
Should have gotten a better picture of this laker... this thing was fat.

And sorry for lack of radio contact, I think it only works when it wants to or If I am within a few hundred yards of someone?? I can hear almost everything but nobody can hear me.

Now Go Catch Some Fish!!

Cody Dodds
Fish Lake Winni Fleet

Re: Fishing Report

Good job Cody! I tryed to talk to you a couple times on Wednesday evening. We will be back out Saturday moring


Re: Fishing Report

Great report. Reading the posts today, it looks like things are picking up! A good hot July should put them in the "zone"...
Good luck out there.