Went out with Captain Thomas Yip and Ben Glenn yesterday. Left Portsmouth Harbor around 7:00. Made a short drift at Old Scantum. Jigged up a nice haddock and a few short cod. The dogs showed up, so we flew out to Jeffries. First drift, first line down, Thomas reeled up a 35# cod. The battle was on! We were jigging up cod like crazy. There were several over 20 lbs. We also jigged up a bunch of nice pollack, between 15 and 20 lbs. Brought in about a dozen nice haddock and just a few cusk. Saw Humpbacks all over the place. The ocean was just about flat and the weather was beautiful! Thanks Thomas, for another great day on the salt!
Took the grady offshore sunday and we pounded on the haddock and cod in the same area. Caught haddock doubles one time 30 inch and a 28 inch GREAT FILETS!! Old scantum has fish just move when the dogs arrive. we also found big numbers of monster pollack when we moved out another 3.5 miles to the second hump. Seas were a little busy with 5 to 6 Ft rollers on the way out but layed down to 2 ft seas around noon. The salt is the place to be if you want sore arms and lower back pains!!!!!!!!