salmon have been few and far between. Compared to last fall its terrible. Lake
I'm no scientist by far and I could get into trouble for saying this as many peolle love Laker fishing.
But most lakes that have huge Laker populations it seems have low bait counts and smaller Salmon and Bows, the Lakers seem to take over the whole lake.
Other states have raised Laker bag limits, lowered the minimum length and/or extended the seasons on them .
Lakers are natural to many NH lakes, require no revenue or manitenance to have them in NH lakes, but I don't think they are the best intrest of the overal lake population "as managed today".
This is only my opinion and certainly not the majorities, but I do hear more complaints about Lakers like the ones above, plenty of Lakers, no Salmon or Bows, allthough plenty are put in every year, but in nice bite sizes..
Pete, thanks for the Winnisquam report. Salmon Slammer and I have fished that lake a few times early spring and have done well also with lakers. Have caught only two Salmon. We use the same hardware as we use on Winnipesaukee. The launch is great and usually not busy that early in the morning. Hope you get out alot more and "catch a big one". Best of Luck.