This has been the slowest July ever on Squam but it's picking up some, at least this weekend. Lately 1 or 2 fish would be an improvement, lol. Only a few were boated Saturday (4) but all "super" quality fish, all were released..
Sunday was much better, 2 Salmon over 5 and 1 Bow 5 pounds "even" (we use a scale, no guessing on the Barge) 22" at 45 feet down, and several others, easy keepers, plus a 14.5" Bow that was a real football, so the new residents are growing well.. 2 Bows were kept as they totaly inhaled our flies.
Fishing Saturday with Big Jim Graves was a special pleasure, this was Jim's first fishing trip all year due to knee problems. When he came up to help with the Rod Pumper he saw how easy the Barge would be to board, so he came to fish a week later. We caught some nice fish on his Rod Pumper as well as on the G2Jigger ball, which I might add, Jim was very impressed with.
Sunday Floydo came of retirement and hopped on "The Barge". The G2Jigger (5 pound Bow) really slammed them yesterday and several really nice ones off the Rod Pumper as well, pretty even G2/Pumper again, lost count, lots of Bass (nice ones) too, ugh. All on flies about 25 to 32 feet down or 4 colors plus 100' of mono, only 1 Bow caught deep (on a hunch) at 45 feet... Tandem flies, "moving all the time", is the HOT set up (only set ups that caught fish).
Still not a fish on the regular riggers or spoons in about 4 weeks since using our new toys, amazing for a slow July. Hot fly again was the Red Grey Ghost of AJ's.
Best bite was 1st light til about 8:00, however nice fish can be caught any time of day for those willing to put the time in, Squam is not for impatient fisherman, if you want real action, hit Winni
Love to show some super photos but it seems AJ is still having some issues with the Bragging Board.