2 to 4 ft at 2kr 6:15 Am, kept running due east, Smacked the macks outside isles, solid 2 to 4 ftrs still Made the call to run another 7 miles out, Grady made that call as she held her own very very well. managed some cod and haddock at old scatum tough to stay away from the doggies but when we did the good stuff was there [Haddock!!!!!!!] 6ft seas at 10:45 radar showing rain with it. The run in was called!! Gradys seav-2 hull kept us dry and stable for the run in thru 6 ft seas before the thunder boomers came thru. everybody needs to keep an eye on whats going on around you for the safety side of things when your out there on the ocean. I cannot say enough on How well this 226 boat was designed down south to handle the seas up North rough and tough seas.
My sundays on the ocean are half days due to the boat clean up and wash down. saturdays are full days at that time when we run back we can do some drifts in the river and than clean up the grady on sunday.