Log On Today - Fish On Tomorrow! ™
(603) 731-1804 / (603) 344-8698
Here are some pics of some fish from this past week... This is a HUGE Rainbow 22 inches and all of five pounds!!! This is my biggest trout of the year 26" and 5 pounds 12 ounces! Here is a nice 17" Rainbow I have a picture of a HUGE Salmon need to download off my camera it is giving me a hrad time it better work or I will loose my mind!!! Stay tuned Cool Water
One word can sum it up NICE!!!
Nice Bow, buy a scale. Big John
Got one smart a@# and I did weigh this fish she weighed excatly 4.15 so I went a head and called it five... next time i'll call you to check the weight before i post!!!! Trav
nice fish!!!!!!!
Well done!