Beauty John. I guess you really DO know how to fish. BTW, what did that beast hit? Was it a "SSS." ?
Special Tandem Red Gray Ghost tied by Alan at AJ's (45 feet down on a hunch) most have been 25/30 feet down (weird for Squam) fly was pulled by a G2Jigger (jigger Ball) 65 feet back.
Things change from day to day, month to month, I haven't caugh a fish on a spoon in over 4 weeks, all tandem flies, how's that for a Big John/Squam switch. Probably change again soon to something else ?
Flies need to be kept moving too, rod pumper or jig ball. It's crazy, not one fish taken off straight rigger with blades and spoons for over a month, before that, spoons and blades were the hot set up ?????????????????????
Nice to hear from you stranger. I'll send you some of this years photos, having trouble getting them posted on the bragging board (technical problem) and I don't know how to do it here, lol. Maybe I'll try to learn as I LOVE TO BRAG, lol.
Beauty John. I guess you really DO know how to fish. BTW, what did that beast hit? Was it a "SSS." ?
Special Tandem Red Gray Ghost tied by Alan at AJ's (45 feet down on a hunch) most have been 25/30 feet down (weird for Squam) fly was pulled by a G2Jigger (jigger Ball) 65 feet back.
Things change from day to day, month to month, I haven't caugh a fish on a spoon in over 4 weeks, all tandem flies, how's that for a Big John/Squam switch. Probably change again soon to something else ?
Flies need to be kept moving too, rod pumper or jig ball. It's crazy, not one fish taken off straight rigger with blades and spoons for over a month, before that, spoons and blades were the hot set up ?????????????????????
Nice to hear from you stranger. I'll send you some of this years photos, having trouble getting them posted on the bragging board (technical problem) and I don't know how to do it here, lol. Maybe I'll try to learn as I LOVE TO BRAG, lol.
Big John
Big John
John have you used any hardware this last month while pulling flies?