Are you looking for a long shaft, short shaft, tiller or remote?
If you know of anyone, I have a new Merc 4 stroke 9.9 hp, long shaft, electric start, tiller and tank. 1800.00 603-542-2845
I currently have a long shaft on my 1993 2 strk johnson. Not really sure what the pros/cons of a short vs long shaft are.I blew a piston in the johnson. Looking to possibly trade that or sell outright. Tiller is fine for the Honda I want.
Joe Check out rivers edge marina in Ashland? Right next to where Big John stays at his campground. Great bunch of guys and we got One heck of a deal on an older 8hp honda 4stroke that had never been sold $1800 bucks plus a 5 year warranty with it. (not sure if thats what the warranty is now?) but ask about left over models from previous years. Take Care God Bless LOL DAve
Sorry about your motor Joe.I cant remember if your boat is a deep v (pos.long shaft)or mod. v (short ok)I think youll get a little more bang for your buck on a small outboard with a long shaft if deep v. I've also got a blown johnson with a long shaft.Let me know how ya make out.