on the water at 530 fisshing by 545 first hit came in less then 5 min on orange and white spoon got the fish 10 feet beside the boat and lost it 3 more hits in ten min same thing get the fish beside the boat pops to the surface and off the hook put a new trebble on the spoon same thing i ran 2 leadcore lines at 8 colors son inlaw ran the rigger and one lead core line he got a nice bow on a wonderbread fly he made up i had a break off with the other rod running a whiteperch fly the orange/white spoon was the hot lure of the day i had 9 hits the first hr of the day and idid get to boat the 10th fish just couldt keep the fish on the hook we ended the day 6 for 22 we lost the 2nd hr of fishing to reset every thing after we hit bottom and tangeled up we trolled at2.6 2.8
sat fished with my soninlaw andrew i started the morning with the same set up as friday son inlaw ran the rigger and aledcore first hit was on the orange white spoon ended up being a bass about the same deal as friday fish pop out of the water and off the hook we tried running blade but never had a hit with them i lost my hot spoon after we netted a rainbow he jumped out of the net snaped my 6lb leader and took the spoon with him not 100% sure but think we went 6 for 15 the bite stoped around 10 our best hits came at speed of 2,4 2.6
An old timer I know fishes lead core all the time, 7, 8, 9 colors etc. he does not pump the rod at all (boring) just a slow steady reel, he lands just about every fish he catches.
His theory is each time you pump the rod you strecth the hook hole a bit so by the time you get in 8 colors or so, the hole from the hook is HUGE and the fish can get off very easy. Makes sense to me, but I still pump the rods (easily) and we dont loose many fish however I don't fish more than 4 colors, maybe that helps ????
We did have a day early this year when we were like 8 for 20 something, but I think we had the wrong hook size on the spoons, we had changed a bunch of hooks, change back to hooks that came with spoons and all was well..