I'm finaly going up to Winni on Wed.. First time since early August. Any suggestions on how deep with the downriggers and how many colors with the leadcore? Also, should I bring my sideplaners to use with the lead or just go straight out the back? Give us a shout if your out there. We are going out from Alton Bay.
I hope to be out have been as sick as I have ever been since last Tuesday! We have been catching fishing from the surface down to 30' or so. I have had my best luck with flies fishing close to shore. The Salmon are starting to spread out with surface temps in the sixty's. I have caught them on the surface with flat lines and down as deep as 60'... Kind of like June. My best results have been first thing in the AM on purple salty speacials and Matty's Brother's flies down 28' trollig at 2.8 mph in 40' of water!
Thanks, great info. hope you feel better. maybe some fresh air tommorow will help. Bringing a new guy along. First time at the lake and first time salmon fishing. Hoping he has beginners luck.
I'm heading out this morning to winni with my son for our annual family derby. fishing wed-sat. winner gets to keep the family plaque with name and score engraved on it until next year. I've been with out the trophy for 2 years. I intend to have it returned to NH. (son lives in New orleans) this year.