Had a great Fall morning boating some nice quality fish with some great folks! We had a blast this morning catching Salmon and Jigging up some nice Fat Winni Trout. The bite is still good fish are moving around a bit and location seems to be very important. We did best with flies early than hardware down a bit deeper later in the day. In the A.M. we were running our flies up high like 3 colors and than moved them deeper to six or so later after the sun had come up a bit higher. Hot set up was a small orange, purple streamer with a copper body that Jim's Lures tied up for me??? Not sure what she is called but it sure was the hot set up for me today...
Nice!! My boat is up for the season but I killed a bear with my bow. deer under the stand and a moose on order!!
Did I mention I GOT A MOOSE PERMIT IN NH !! Bragging rights !!! But I had an awsome year fishing on winni.. don't ask me about Lake "O"....? Keep up the good work, that one fish is a PIG ! !
I'm in D2... old man of the mountain west of 93, plenty of moose but and a big butt lots of work to get a good one. But.... don't you worrie.... I will make Lake Winni proud!!! I will kick ass and get a good moose !!and I mean any gall dang moose is a good one. Big and brown with nuts its down.....! Next year on Bonners boat I will yap on my storries for hours aaand .... hours!! If Sh ... it was money I am loOOOOOaded. And I luv it !!
Tight lines my friend !!