Popeye and I Hunted all morning with nary a sign of deer, I went to the guard tower tonight, 4 bucks and 10 does in the field by 4 . One real nice 5 pointer was chasing does all over the place, then a nice 6 pointer walked into the field, made a scrape, and peed in it. 170 yard shot - right in the heart - Thanks to Popeye for sighting in my rifle when I was working late!!! The best part was the ride out, my King Quad is still in the shop so Popeye and I have been riding double on his Honda. We threw the deer on back, Popeye sat one the seat, I sat on the deer, and we piled everything we owned on the front rack . Looked like the Beverly Hillbillies deer hunting lol. We made Holly take our picture - will post when Popeye emails them to me. stats - 6 points, 16-1/2" spread, 162 lbs. Tenderloins are frying as I type this. There is nothing better than hunting with my brother - we always have a blast. Hero pic should be good - gorgeous red sunset behind me when Popeye snapped the pics.
Throbbin Rods - out until the pics come.
Here is my season: Stuck a bear with my bow 200lb black guy right at the base of my stand, he had his paw on the tree I was in, 20' shot! Then I stuck a doe 41 yard shot different stand 118 dressed. I was on the moose hunt hunted 9 days....! Hard! We spotted 1 moose out 400 plus yards did not get a shot! The next day a couple shot a moose while shooting the breeze in front of our truck 70yards while we were in the cut off 100 yards away.Bad luck! But opening day of rifle ,while with my youngest daughter who is also a great fishergirl, we shot a 3 pointer 120 lbs dressed. That was the greatest time hunting so far. She is stoked !!!
Thanks for listening