john, excellent reply. that gives a great idea. if anyone has the time, maybee we could have a questioneer with everything raised and everyone can answer like john did. that would be easy to sum up the results of a bunch of opinions.
Manage some of the other Salmon lakes. And bring back a decent fishery. Or if it isn't possible. Put the time and money into a different fish. Or into Winni. Dont waste it on something that isn'''t going to happen. A few more decent salmon lakes would take a lot of pressure off winni. Dave Cushing
Hi Jason,
Has anyone considered that the problem of smaller salmon is because of "catch and release". By that I mean more fish are being returned and thus more hook injury is noted. Also its easier to become laker bait when you're a smaller, weaker fish than a robust healthy fish.
Before all the new technology we were lucky to catch two salmon a day, and they were taken home for dinner.
This past summer I stated to my fishing partners that the smelt "clouds" were a lot smaller and fewer of them. Maybe the smelt/salmon ratios are off because F&G are calculating stocking rates on old info. (When more salmon were kept (harvested) there were fewer fish to diminish the smelt population).
Just some thoughts.