Hi everyone, I have been reading the forum for a few years now, but have never posted to it. I would like to say a few things about the Salmon problem. First the lack of Smelt in my mind is probably the number one issue. Second the lack of quality management from Fish&Game. I have been fishing Winn for over 35 years and remember the days when you could even catch a keeper. There use to be a group called Salmon Unlimited that was involved with Fish&Game and started a Smelt restoration program, this program stocked Smelt into Winn I believe for one year only and I still believe to this day is why we have some Smelt in the lake. My final thought is how many Salmon are we killing from the Ice fishing derby? If the shut down one derby they all should be shut down. I truly believe the ice fishermen kill more Salmon by targeting Rainbow's, both fish are just under the ice. Bottom line is this issue has many problems not easily fixed. We will need to work closly with Fish&Game to improve fishing everywhere not just Winn.
It is a sad day to lose the derby. That is the first of many take away from the fish huggers. I'm sure there are a few jumping up and down for joy at the change. As I have said "its a business". Once it is taken away it is even harder to ever get it back. Look just at the lost license sales for that weekend. Look at the fishermen that will go to NY , VT for their derby weekend. Guess what ? after catching kick ass fish out there..... gone for good ! I will not understand this put in small fish and expect the lake to produce the legal fish mentality. Were not in Labrador Ever since the 50's it has been put n take fishing. As a regular on the lake it might be better for me down the road but I was on a trout pond here in NH before and they took away gas motors Better for the fish and the (environment) Trophy pond ? same old put n take ! Nothing changed! And still no gas motor.