Just a curious, Is there any creel surveys that offer any insights on how these derbies effect the salmon fishing. I liked Jason Parents post in regard to his analogy of fish quality following a cyclic trend. Seams to follow the same that idea I have about deer hunting. Isnt that how ecology works? Anyway back to my original question. Do we have any speculation on salmon numbers. Is accuracy even possible? Furthermore how many salmon are caught during the ice derby. A recent post blames ice fisherman. Does the number compare to those caught in a regular day of trolling on the lake by all sportsman including myself? I doubt it. As an avid ice fisherman that catches salmon every now and then on rainbow lines, is it better to cut the line as suggested by fish and game laws or take the time to carefully get the hook out? Are these hook injuries due to hooks left behind or careless release practice.
It is best to cut the line on salmon in winter. And not to remove any part of that fish from the water, just have your sharp knife ready every time and when you get his head in the hole cut the line as close to the snout as possible.
The hook wounding is not from small thin rustable hooks left behind during ice fishing, they do very little if any damage at all in that respect.
The wounding is not always from careless release sometimes no matter how careful you are something rips or tears, smaller salmon are very delicate.