Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
Don't you love that about message boards!!!! How you can hide behind a computer screen!!!!
I was the guy in that picture pal.... The line WAS wrapped around the took a matter of two seconds to undo it and release it unharmed...I think some people just like to gripe!!!! As for the picture, my buddy saw I had a flag and walked over, he had his camera in his pocket and took the pic...Why is that so hard to believe?
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
What's hard to believe is you believe you did no harm and took it out of the water. That is breaking the law period. Go back to your NH board and circle the troops law breaker.
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
What's hard to believe is you believe you did no harm and took it out of the water. That is breaking the law period. Go back to your NH board and circle the troops law breaker.
Let me get this right...
You would have rather seen him leave fishing line wrapped around the fish? You do realize that by leaving the fishing line there, it would cause damage to the protective coating or even cut into the skin as it swam. This could have killed the fish or drasticly reduced its ability to maneuver in the water.
I don't know the guy personally, but I have no reason to doubt what he said is true. Fish DO get wrapped up in the line now and then. In my opinion, he did the right thing by taking the time to free the line from around the fish.
As noted in the photo, he correctly supported the fish while it was out of the water. Looks like a gentle release to me.
Now... next let me ask where you came up with the fact that he broke the law?? All salmon caught thru the ice must be released, yes. BUT there is no law stating that the fish cannot leave the water. It is RECOMMENDED (and correctly so) that you cut the line and let the salmon swim free without taking it from the water... but that is not mandatory. In a case such as this one, it made sense to remove the fish from the water, free the line from its body and then release it. Had the salmon been simply hooked in the lip with no tail wrap, I am sure he would have just cut the line and tied on another hook; same as the rest of us.
And before you create a story out of my post... let me be clear that I DO cut the line on ALL salmon and 90% of all other species that I do not plan to eat. The other 10% may occasionally be in a photo or have the hook removed (when its easily accesible). Hooks are cheap and a knot is quick to tie. But, like I said, sometimes the situation calls for things to be handled differently. Hopefully everyone makes the best decision in that event.
Not nice to be calling someone a lawbreaker, when it is not true, Mr "M".
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
I have to admit this last guys post is correct!! Taking salmon is prohibited but the rest just says fish and game STRONGLY SUGGESTS cutting the line and not removing the fish from water. Does not say it is illegal!! Still not sure why this guy is telling us not to do it but he can??
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
Still not sure why this guy is telling us not to do it but he can??
Who said that? If you're referring to my post, you should go back and read it again. That is not at all what I said. I said that any one of us may come across a situation where it may be necessary to remove a fish from the water to properly care for it, prior to release. Its an "on site" decision left to the individual holding the line. 99.9% of the time, a simple line snip will suffice... but every once in a while a situation arises that is out of the ordinary. At that time we have to choose the lesser of two evils. As I said, I think the original post in question shows the correct decision being made this time.
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
Keith "K" and Craig "Slip_Knot" are two of the most concious fishermen I know. Keith would never of done anything to hurt a fish that he was going to release and Craig knows more about the proper laws and techniques than just about anyone I have ever met. Whoever you are "M" you are making a lot of assumptions that you have no proof of. Keith and Craig have long standing GOOD reputations on this site, and Ice Shanty, and across the state with both being featured in the Hawkeye and very much respected amongst their peers. Stop bashing someone when you werent there and dont know the story.
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
OK "M"
There's a difference between "Fact" and "Opinion"
You are entitled to your "opinion" but should really know the facts before passing judgement...
The guys who you call my followers aren't followers at all. They're fellow sportsman who have obviously fished enough to realize that occasionally when certain circumstances call for it you have to pick the lesser of the two evils...The whole process to me about 10 seconds and then the fish was immediately released an it swam off without any struggle...
I don't have anything to "prove" to you...Anyone and everyone that knows me is aware that I have good morals and would never do anything unsportsman-like...
You seem to know who I am...Who are You? Besides a self-proclaimed expert of the fishing world? I find it funny how you post your screen name as "M"
I've got a funny feeling your one of the guys that got booted off the Ice Shanty because you caused the same type of B.S over there...
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
What difference does it make.Its over and done with. There a lot more problems. Then one line wrapped around one Salmon. Lets put this energy into trying to help. Solve some of these problems. Im sure there are decisions made every day that effect the fishery.
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
Is M Kersten in disguise???????????? Geezem crow give me a break some of these posts lately is starting to remind me of when I was a kid and was forced to watch or listen to my mothers dumb soap operas Ughhhhhhhhh Take Care God Bless LOL Dave
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
Couldn't agree more Barry, Some of my first graders in my student teaching classroom are more mature then some of these posts lately LOL Take Care God Bless LOL Dave
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
I agree what the heck is going on with some of the guys here, I am sitting back reading some of these threads from top to bottom and I am blown away with some comments. If I need some humor I read different posts not that the lake is anything to laugh about with its condition at this time but I feel it will return and be a great salmon fishery agian someday but it will take a little bit of time to do so.
Re: PLEASE DON"T DO THIS.....cut and paste link to open
I agree what the heck is going on with some of the guys here, I am sitting back reading some of these threads from top to bottom and I am blown away with some comments. If I need some humor I read different posts not that the lake is anything to laugh about with its condition at this time but I feel it will return and be a great salmon fishery agian someday but it will take a little bit of time to do so.
Charlie, the problem is "we may not have the time", there are some in high places, that believe the Salmon program is too expensive and the best way to deal with it, is to "eliminate it" not spend more money.
Our best defense is to attend any and all Fish and Game meetings pertaining to this, in mass and I don't mean the state and get it in the news like the original story..
So we should focus on banning together, not bickering amounst ourselves.
Big John
Who's back from warmer climates, hoping you guys get the Derby in in, warm weather is coming this week.