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Truck through ice in Alton Bay

There is a truck frozen in the ice that broke through last night. Its in the cove on the south side of Echo Point in Alton Bay. Rear wheels are submerged and its tilted pretty good. One front tire is only in up to lugs, the other is deeper. I know from trolling the area its over 30-40 FOW. Good luck to the owner, I hope you save her; even though its a Ford.

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Does it have Mass plates ?


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Does it have Mass plates ?


Ha,ha,ha,ha, no ice down here in Naples and my FORD is home in the garage.

Big John

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Erby, Of course it had Mass plates. I had someone post a pic for me of it on NH iceshanty if you want to check it out. Im just messin with you ford guys; but will somebody please get a Chevy out there and pull this guy out- my diesel is too heavy for the thin ice. Take care guys and be careful. BTW my shanty off Sandy point has produced only cusk the last few days.

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Don't worry about your diesel being to heavy ...... they skimped on all the other parts!!! hahaha

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

I have to agree with you. I got a ford F150 4 door crew cab this summer and I love it.Altonbayer you guys in new Hampshire owe us Massh**** for keeping the economy going up there. Just think how much $$ it will take to get that truck off the ice if it goes all the way thru LOL


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay


We also have to give you Mass guys "MAJOR KUDOS" for a job well done on tuesday. I can not say anything bad about our nieghbors to the south after voting for America on Tuesday.

Great job Massachusetts!!!!!!!!!

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

It was a long time coming for this state. Enough is Enough. Now all we need is to get rid of the idiot that is in there now(Patrick) and we might have a chance in life.


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Congrats on the election Mass peoples. Its one step in the right direction. I have both Ford and Chevy trucks; so I guess I can rip on both companies. If I had all the money back that I spent on my Chevy keeping it on the road- I would just buy a helicopter.

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Like Scott Brown said"when you pick on my truck you have crossed the line"LOL.I have 278 thousand miles on my chevy,original trans and engine the only major job was new bearings in front axle at 205 thousand miles and an intake reseal at same time.....I love my chevy it owes me nothing.polebreaker

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

What's the matter w/ Fords?
I never owned one until the Government took over gm and chrysler. I needed a new truck so I figured I'd buy a truck owned by a privately held company so I bought a Ford.

F-350 power stroke desiel crew cab. What a great choice, pushes snow like there is no tomorrow!

I'll bet that truck on Alton Bay will probably crawl out of the ice on it's own tomorrow..... haha

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay


If it's Scott"s truck pull him out... if Obama is in the truck let him go down !

Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Dave Your truck was when chevy built them the right way. I have to say you got you $$ out of that truck big time.


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Truck recovery video


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

Altonbayer you lied to me(LOL) it a NEW HAMPSHIRE plate nice try I got a good laugh when I was able to see it.I had to get the zoom to 200 just to see it was NH and not Mass that's thanks to gus and his post. Well maybe next one that goes thr will be a Mass guy :)


Re: Truck through ice in Alton Bay

It looked like a very,very expensive day.polebreaker