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This is Interesting??

Ok, so our group got inspected by F&G twice this weekend. On Sunday we had changed Locations, however it was the same Officer, So since he knew we were ok, we just chit chatted for abit. I put the Salmon Derby question right at him. His response basically was.....we (f&g) did not ask the derby folks to cancel the derby! The people that run the derby just don't want to do it any longer and they have not found anyone to sell it off to! The officer went on to say that everyone is over reacting at the moment in regards to the state of the fishery, that the newspaper has blown it out of proportion, so on and so on... This officer did not at all seem overly concerned about the state of the Salmon Fishery at this time.

So boys and girls, I am now completly confused as to what is going on and I don't where the line divides between facts and fiction!

Did anyone else have the chance to chat with F&G this weekend and what did you hear?

Re: This is Interesting??

I also understand that sales are down on participation. Cost of the derby has increased. As any good BUISNESS they have insured the derby. Start with the low fish count and some rumblings that the fishery is in trouble and before you know it you have a reason to cancel the derby and file a lost income claim.

Re: This is Interesting??

I also understand that sales are down on participation. Cost of the derby has increased. As any good BUISNESS they have insured the derby. Start with the low fish count and some rumblings that the fishery is in trouble and before you know it you have a reason to cancel the derby and file a lost income claim.

I'm not sure just how much the F and G Officers know about what's going on and/or how much they can talk about it if they do, but I'm thinking they don't realy know much and haven't even read the net report yet.

As far as the Derby folks, that could very well be, they might have been looking for an excuse to walk away, makes sense.. But they did attend and witness one of the net pulls at Winni and did not like what they saw, etc. And I believe they did pull a permit for it, just elected not to excersize it, so if they want, they can still run it next year the way I understand it ???

Seems the message board has got off the subject but I know that Fish and Game people are still talking about the problem (even if we aren't) and planning what to do if anything. Trust me if they call a special meeting, we best attend in mass. I've said this before and I'll say it again, there are some powers to be that feel the best way to deal with the problem, is to can the Salmon program, which could also be a good business decision.

Maybe a Salmon stamp will save us if they go that route ????

If there is a meeting in April thereabouts, I'll be there and it's a two hour drive for me. I urge all of you to attend any meeting, we can get what we want if we stick together. Don't forget they work for us, but we have to tell them what we want for a fishery.

Big John

Re: This is Interesting??

Good points John

Re: This is Interesting??

come on, 3 replies? almost everyone here was out on the ice this weekend? I cant be the only one who was asking F&G about the May derby? Lets go boys, spill what you heard this weekend!

Re: This is Interesting??

our group talked with f&g on saturday.did not talk so much about the spring derby as we did the winter derby.his biggest concerne was the practice of catch and release hurting the fish more than anything else.also why do we fish for rainbows in the winter derby,when they are crucing the same spots as salmon.right under the ice .make the winter derby a lake trout derby like it once was and we will stop catching so many salmon through the ice

Re: This is Interesting??

our group talked with f&g on saturday.did not talk so much about the spring derby as we did the winter derby.his biggest concerne was the practice of catch and release hurting the fish more than anything else.also why do we fish for rainbows in the winter derby,when they are crucing the same spots as salmon.right under the ice .make the winter derby a lake trout derby like it once was and we will stop catching so many salmon through the ice

I agree

Re: This is Interesting??

our group talked with f&g on saturday.did not talk so much about the spring derby as we did the winter derby.his biggest concerne was the practice of catch and release hurting the fish more than anything else.also why do we fish for rainbows in the winter derby,when they are crucing the same spots as salmon.right under the ice .make the winter derby a lake trout derby like it once was and we will stop catching so many salmon through the ice

Not being an ice fisherman I hesitate to comment, but of course I will. Making the Derby more for Lakers, Cusk and White Perch, etc. makes allot sense, you can't do much to hurt those native species.. Allot of the ice fisherman I know that normally troll for Salmon,etc. fish for mostly Perch in the winter ???

The state record Salmon comes out of a lake that does not allow ice fishing, but that could never happen on the bigger Lakes and shouldn't. Many folks live all year waiting for ice fishing, like many of us do for open water fishing..

Big John