The meeting was good, maybe 15 guys attended, minutes will be forth coming.
There will be a rules hearing at F and G sometime between April and June, we will have an agenda of proposed rule changes before hand and will to it hopefull well prepared with 100% attendance from the web site group, etc.
Most of the hard proposed rumors are common sense stuff that we can all back 100%, but there are a few maybe we can't back and maybe a few haven't heard of yet. Remember, some rules changes, allthough maybe proposed as temporary, will most likely be written in stone. Also any new rules will be for all 24 Salmon lakes, not just Winni. So this group has a very important agenda.
I'm pretty sure it was decided this web site will be the voice of this new group, no name for the group yet.
I hope I didn't post out of turn, but I know some are very interested, there will be something here soon.