Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
I just got word back from Fish and Game, they said to the Director hlmself, so his e mail is below and it wont hurt to send it to alot of others. The Commisioners e mail are hard to find, but the mail address are on the F and G website.
Glenn Normandeau, Executive Director NH Fish and Game
A few others you can cc at the same time.
I don't know if the 10 county commissioners will know of the Emails. It looks as if they have to be contacted in writing or by phone as they are listed at the NHF&G web site. The secretary/treasurer Patricia Costa from Belknap County will have the most to say about Lake Winnipesaukee. Grafton County commissioner, Sharon Guaraldi is Vice Chair and be sure to contact her.
The next scheduled Commissioners meeting is Wed. April 21st 1:00 PM at Fish & Game in Concord. It's open to the public. We should as many as possible try to attend.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
Hi folks,
I asked Steve Perry about the line restriction conversation. He told me that a proposal was submitted in writing to Fish and Game’s Executive Director by the NH Guides Association. This proposal calls for one line per angler when trolling Lake Winnipesaukee and 9 other lakes managed for salmon.
That proposal -- again, proposed by the NHGA and not the Fish and Game Department -- will be brought forward into the formal rulemaking process (in accordance with RSA 541-A). The fact that it is being brought forward does not mean that F&G supports or does not support it, and it doesn’t mean that a line restriction of any sort is a “done deal.”
We’re at the very beginning of this process, as I mentioned last week. I’ll let you know when a) the proposals are finalized, b) the public hearing is scheduled, and c) the comment period opened. The hearing and the formal comment period are the best place and way for you to make your voices heard.
Best regards,
Liza Poinier
NH Fish and Game
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
Thanks John,
I have already sent an email to the persons you have listed and John Viar was very quick to respond. He gave me the link that contains contact information for the Commissioners as follows:
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
Thomas Coville
John I already sent an email to the guys you identified and you also since your looking for input
If you send letters to Fish and Game, don't suggest the NHSA proposal by name as it has not been officialy submitted yet. Make your own suggestions, etc. We will try and get our official proposal hand carried to them maybe as early as tomorrow if needed.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
John Sampson,
Do you know of a way to start a formal online petition that people could sign supporting the NHSA proposal? Unfortunately, having a rules meeting on a Weds. afternoon in April is going to exclude a lot of concerned anglers from voicing their opinions due to their work schedules. We can all voice our personal opinion through e-mail/letters to F&G but sometimes speaking in person has a bigger impact. I don't want F&G thinking that a lack of attendance at this meeting means that people don't care because it's fairly obvious we do! If the NH Guides Association can propose 1 rod per angler, than those who are vehemently opposed to it should be able to have a voice or say in the process. It's not realistic to think that a lot of people will take a day out of work to attend this meeting in April. However, I'd be willing to bet that you could get hundreds to sign a petition against the 1 rod per angler proposal and in support of the NHSA propsal. I've seen petitions on the VT. site before regarding lamprey control and I'm pretty sure NHSA could start one as well. Remember, there is power in numbers! Let us know if this is possible and thanks again for all the leg work you guys have done; it doesn't go unnoticed.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
I think making proposals of rod's per angler or rod's per boat or anything other than starting at current law is a mistake. Why are we or the guides suggesting giving something up before F&G even opens the Comment session of their process !!!! I might be missing something here but it seems a little premature the way I read Liza's post.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
You need to be aware that the F&G Commission Meeting on April 21 is not the Public Hearing for comment on fish rule proposals it is the regular monthly meeting. Once a public hearing is scheduled the date and time will be published. As in past years the public hearing is scheduled to begin during the evening hours to accomodate those who work during the day.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
Steve Perry
You need to be aware that the F&G Commission Meeting on April 21 is not the Public Hearing for comment on fish rule proposals it is the regular monthly meeting. Once a public hearing is scheduled the date and time will be published. As in past years the public hearing is scheduled to begin during the evening hours to accomodate those who work during the day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, we needed them to hear you say that.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
To Steve Perry
I appreciate the fact that this hearing will be held in the evening hours. I was hoping that was the case, since all of the waterfowl hearings I attend are also evening events. Can you give us an idea of a typical agenda, ie: are there announcements, discussion, is discussion solicited from the public in attendance? In other words, will we be able to comment on the proposals on the table and will there be enough time for all to do so who wish to before a vote/decision?
Thank you very much for taking the time to post on this board - as you no doubt already know we are very interested in the process and how we can affect the outcome.
Bill Finn
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
The process the Department follows for proposed changes to fishing rules is in accordance with state statute RSA 541-A. Under RSA 541-A:11 Public Hearing and Comment. –
I. Each agency shall hold at least one public hearing on all proposed rules and shall afford all interested persons reasonable opportunity to testify and to submit data, views, or arguments in writing or, if practicable for the agency, in electronic format, in accordance with the terms of the notice and the provisions of this section.
Re: Addresses for Letters and e mail to Fish and Game and next Comissioners meeting info.
John Sampson,
Do you know of a way to start a formal online petition that people could sign supporting the NHSA proposal? Unfortunately, having a rules meeting on a Weds. afternoon in April is going to exclude a lot of concerned anglers from voicing their opinions due to their work schedules. We can all voice our personal opinion through e-mail/letters to F&G but sometimes speaking in person has a bigger impact. I don't want F&G thinking that a lack of attendance at this meeting means that people don't care because it's fairly obvious we do! If the NH Guides Association can propose 1 rod per angler, than those who are vehemently opposed to it should be able to have a voice or say in the process. It's not realistic to think that a lot of people will take a day out of work to attend this meeting in April. However, I'd be willing to bet that you could get hundreds to sign a petition against the 1 rod per angler proposal and in support of the NHSA propsal. I've seen petitions on the VT. site before regarding lamprey control and I'm pretty sure NHSA could start one as well. Remember, there is power in numbers! Let us know if this is possible and thanks again for all the leg work you guys have done; it doesn't go unnoticed.
If needed and I say if, we will get people, if they can take a day off to go fishing mid-week, they can do it for a better cause, it aint over ti it's over.
We dont need an army at that meeting, it's the Proposal hearings and I believe they are at night.