If you fish in Maine ocean waters, you now need a license.
Where can I get more info on a Maine saltwater license. I had not heard that. I checked out the license section on the DMR site. I could not find any license available for recreational saltwater fishing?
Maine's governor signed our saltwater fishing license into law today.(March 29th) Anyone who wants to fish off the coast of Maine now needs a Maine license to do so (the previous Federal registry has been superceeded by the state). Party/Charter boats will pay an annual fee of $50.00 so their passengers don't have to get a license while fishing with their favorite boat. So if you are fishing on the Bunny Clark, you won't need a saltwater fishing license. If, however, you get off the boat and there is a bluefish blitz in Oarweed Cove on the other side of the parking lot, you won't be able to cast a plug out to the fish unless you have a license.
Thanks Louis. I wonder about Maine's governor sometimes. He passed a law or something to open the open fresh water season a week early this year, but he forgot to tell anybody. I am guessing that Maine's 2010 saltwater book is already out. I hope he lets the public know about this new required license. This is going to be very confusing. It is my understanding that Maine, NH, and MA saltwater licenses, when in effect, will be reciprocal. NH & MA will be on board next year. I wonder if we really need a Maine license this year to fish places like the Pisquataqua or bouncing around the shoals?
Augusta, Maine 04333-0021; telephone: (207) 624-6550.
Saltwater angling licenses are not required for recreational saltwater angling. A commercial license is required when any marine species is sold and when more than the recreational bag limits are in possession of the angler. Selling fish without a commercial permit is prohibited. There are regulations covering size, bag limits, possession limits and methods of fishing for, but not limited to the following species: Atlantic Salmon, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Sturgeon, Striped Bass, Bluefish, Cod, Haddock, Halibut, Pollack, Redfish, Smelt, Winter/ Summer Flounder, Sharks. Current saltwater fishing information can be obtained by contacting the Recreational Marine Fisheries Program, Maine DMR, PO Box 8, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575. Telephone: (207) 633-9500
I hope the governor tells his Dep't of Marine Resources about his new law??????????