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The Plight of the Man of Truth!

The Plight of the Man of Truth!

By Raymond Karczewski

To begin with, we must be clear on what is Truth!

Words are corrupting in their effect upon Truth, for they lead all who use them into some level of confusion in consciousness -- either in themselves or in others. Words were the vehicle of transport for man in his "Fall from Grace."

Such corruption, manifesting as confusion, may arise from a partially grasped truth conceptually held within a mind as a belief, or it may be found within the transmission or

communication with another through dissimilar conflicting personal standards set by each participant. The birth of confusion arises out of the nature of the divisive, isolating dualistic realm of knowledge.

Although words are things in themselves; actually, they are illusions borne of one's own projected, fragmented reality based in the intellectual realm of mind.. They are but a mere

substitution for the wholistic thing (Truth) they represent.

For example, the unknown, unmanifest intelligence of that "Which Is," always has been and always will be, in its many manifestations, is reflected by the word "GOD." There are

numerous other words within our language and in other languages that may be used to express the same meaning.

When one is able to merge with the spirit of the word and is not caught by the traps set by the letter of the word, mystery ceases in consciousness and clarity begins. In that state of

the infinite there is nothing that is not within the grasp of one's understanding -- NOTHING -- for, truly, a transcendence has occured. It is the resurrection of the Spirit, now liberated

through the medium of personal understanding, which has allowed one to be freed from the previous bonds of the linear, fragmented intellectual mind.

The Timeless, Infinite, Unmanifested Intelligence--the Creator of all--has been labeled by man as "God the Father."

The Manifested Intelligence called Creation, with all its diversity flowing from the Unmanifest (GOD the Father, the Creator) to the Manifest (Creation), is found in the concept man has labeled the "Son of God."

The Spirit characterized as an individual yet wholistic link (in a state of at-one-ment) of the Unmanifest and the Manifest is the energy Christians would call the "Holy Spirit."

Other religions would call it other names but the essence remains the same. There are many words for the same Truth. In my consciousness (and this gets a little sticky in the subtlety of it), I would equate this " Holy Spirit" with the word "SOUL." If one does not get caught by the traps set by word manipulators whose focus is upon the letter of the word, clarity becomes the hallmark of that consciousness.

There is only "What Is," and the intelligence of one who is a manifest balance of mind, body, and soul, is an integrated, wholistic Human Being -- A Christ.

He who has transcended the realm of the conditioned mind is able to truthfully say "I AM THAT I AM."

But there are other words, other expressions which reveal the same essence of truth. For example it may be said that "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME." Does this not clearly describe to another a state of transcendent intelligence, a state of nonduality, a state of truth uncontaminated by a mind conflicted through judgments?

But who is able to understand such a statement? Most find themselves enslaved to serve their conditioned images which ultimately prevent the seeing of such truth. One must have

the spiritual "eyes to see, and the ears to hear." All others are blind to such truth, as they hold tenaciously to the illusory beliefs which are designed to provide their fear-ladened

consciousness with the sedation of security and comfort.

Enough of a foundation has been laid. Let us now see accurately the plight of the man of truth.

How does such a man speak?

There can only be one way, for is He not "the way, the truth, and the life?"

Is He not nondualistic in His beingness?

Is He not at one with "What Is?"

Is He not beyond the muddled confusion of a mind caught in opposites?

How else can He speak if not with clarity?

A clear seer is a clear speaker. Such clarity is not welcome by confused, corrupted minds.

How will a man of clarity be received by those who are confused?

Will He be loved, or will He be hated by them?

Will He be worshipped in his own time, or will He be persecuted and reviled?

Will others seek to embrace Him, or will they be compelled to discredit him?

How is a confused mind able to see anything without projecting its own veils of confused judgments upon that which is viewed?

Is a confused mind happy for another who is clear, or are does their envy drive them to destroy that mirror of truth?

Does not such mirror reflect the light of truth back onto the confused mind, exposing it for what it is?

Enough of the questions--here are the answers. See if they have a ring of familiarity to you:

Who do you think you are, anyway?

Are you calling me Stupid?

You're an arrogant SOB.

Why are you talking down to us?

You're Crazy.

You're the Antichrist!

There are more of us than there are of you, therefore you're wrong and we're right, and if not, so what, we still have the power by our numbers. (Sounds like politics, doesn't it?)

You're the most negative person I have ever met.

I guarantee you that every clear-sighted person has experienced these attitudes in his lifetime.

Truth, God, "What IS," Life, Love, Clarity are just words. They can be used at the peripheral level of the intellectual mind and wreak confusion and havoc in one's life, or they may be

used at the spirit or essence level of the word, which brings with it peace, clarity, and love.

A man of truth operates at the spirit level of the word. A man of the world operates at the letter level of the word; i.e., lawyers, politicians, advertising executives, etc.

The one thing men "of the world" hold in common is an expertise in manipulating language for the purpose of the exploitation of others. They are the redistributors of the wealth. Now you know why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer! They are the mind controllers who, through manipulation of images, create fear and uncertainty. Yet, it is all done

through the medium of the "POSITIVE IMAGE." Such positive image is sold through the use of glowing, inspiring, hope-filled language which is rapidly followed by the actuality of their largely unfulfilled promises. That is the conditioning process in action. A man of truth cuts through the illusory web spun by the spellbinding motivators -- those experts who gain their power by preying upon the emotions of blind believers.

Given the two, clarity or the excitement that accompanies pleasurable deceptions (the very nature of life's vicissitudes), the average man would profess to want the clarity, but will go

for the pleasurable exciting deceptions every time. Most prefer the comfort of the lie to the starkness of the truth.

The moral to this message is that if you are a messenger of truth, you better be able to take the heat. Since the truth cannot be assailed, all that is left to assail is the messenger.

Copyright © 1995 by Raymond Karczewski


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