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by Raymond Karczewski

Since his Fall from Grace, man has turned away from his Divine gift of direct perception, his resonance of atonement with nondualistic TRUTH.

In that break of holistic consciousness, man relinquished his legacy of eternal life (timelessness) in lieu of his petty acquisition of a timebound, fragmented, Satanic (Opposer) ruled Intellect.

From that moment forward man has known suffering, confusion, constant war and Death. Through the medium of blind, dualistic thought, out of a nondualistic Heaven, man has made life on earth a dualistic living Hell.

How's that for a sign of civilized man's Intelligence?

In every age, Sons and Daughters of God (Christs) have been on this earth to show the way to spiritually errant brothers and sisters, to return the intellectually guided blind and ignorant to their rightful estate of Consciousness. Yet Hell has maintained its hypnotic hold over the time-bound consciousness of civilized IGNORAMUSES.


The answer is quite simple and obvious to the living Spiritually *aware.* However, it continues to elude the dead (aftermoment-based), *unaware,* Satanically ruled, partial, fragmented, Intellectually guided consciousness, the consciouness of those who consider themselves civilized.

The Satanic ruled intellect is the environment of duality. From the moment Love, the essence of nondualism, the holistic (holy) Christ State of Consciousness was relinquished by man in response to the Satanic temptation of greed (being a "god" in his own right). Man, in ignorance, chose death (time-bound existence) over everlasting (eternal-timeless) life.

The rest is, as they say, HISTORY!!

What was the lesson our Spiritual Brother Jesus the Christ brought to this earth some 2000 years ago? What was the crime He committed which led to His death?

Millions upon millions continue to worship the Intellectual ICON of Jesus, a carefully crafted mythical image that has been promoted by SATANIC worldly, power and wealth oriented religious organizations for the past 2000 years, yet they have remained completely unaware of the lesson a simple Man of Truth brought to His contemporaries and posterity.

Jesus, as are all Christs, was, by His nature, a Spiritual Anarchist. He/They were/are in this world (the world of dualistic thought), but were/are not of it. His/Their indisputable essence was/is based in nondualism, the holistic essence of Truth, Life, and Love.

What was the real reason Jesus the Christ was put to death? Was it not for His living example of one who lived life on this earth as a sovereign?

Jesus, in reference to the civilized world of His time, said that He was "in this world, but not of it." He admitted to being on the outside of the structured society of His time, living in a state of noncontradiction, a state of Love. He coexisted with the law. His relationship was one of abiding with, but not being solely bound to the confines of man's law. His was a relationship of fulfillment, not protest, not resistance. He preached "Resist not Evil." Resistance to anything gives strength to that which is resisted. It increases the contradiction within oneself and destroys one's inner peace, which is Love. When there is Love, there is intelligence. When intelligence is operating, there is harmony, an atonement with all. He spoke to the people of His time about the spiritual equality of man. This, ultimately, is what led to His death. What happens when there is a state of Oneness with all? There is no longer the duality of greater and lesser, there is just "What Is." When one looks at another man while in that state of atonement, the other is perceived to be neither superior nor inferior. In that state of Oneness, authority does not exist. In the time of Jesus, what kind of a man would view himself to have no authority over him? Only a King! For would not all others consider themselves to be subject to the ruling authority? This led to the charge of blasphemy, which carried with it the label of "King of the Jews." The only crime committed on that day was the execution of an uncivilized mind by civilized society. The Man's death was a tribute to the state of wholeness and Love. That Love truly was the example of Christ's life and death. For with His final breaths of life, He uttered, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." His last concern appeared to have been for the ignorance of those who were not aware of their true nature.

Who and what was threatened by such a life? Was it not the Satanic Ruled Authorities, the few who have "managed" to rule the many in all civilized societies since the "beginning of time" (subsequent to man's Fall from Grace)? How do such authorities, the "few," gain and hold such power over the "many?" Is it not through the venue of "Controllable Chaos"?

War is such Controllable Chaos, but because such power is a double-edged sword, the rulers themselves run the risk of losing their lives and their power through insurrection of the masses who are normally easily manipulated in times of relative peace.

But when IGNORAMUSES come to the realization they have nothing to lose but their hellish existence, they are prepared to die rather than to continue to live enslaved.

That is the nature of martyrdom. Martyrs would rather die than change at the fundamental level of their beingness. In their carefully "outer directed" inculcated ignorance, they have not yet learned the lesson of "RESIST NOT EVIL!"

The Masses have been dumbed down through millenia of mind control.

They have forgotten THEY ARE THE SOVEREIGNS.

They have been conditioned to dream the dream that they are SLAVES.

They suffer from Spiritual Amnesia. They've lost sight that they are the PRODUCERS of wealth, and the SATANIC, non-producing moneychangers and rulemakers, the "few who rule the many," are merely managers and exploiters of such wealth. At the dualistic level of IGNORANCE, the masses are unaware that they are THE POWER.

What is the simple power that no ruler can survive, when the masses become aware of their hellish plight?

Certainly it cannot be RESISTANCE, for resistance always tranfers and increases power to that which resisted. In that venue, the few in control of the money and technical advances of war have a decided superiority over fragmented and sporadic uprisings.

No, war and revolution is NOT THE WAY!

What then is the way?


When the producers withhold from the managers, their production, their wealth, the few are POWERLESS to fuel the machinery which ENSLAVES and TYRANNIZES. They cannot use the power produced by the producers to the producers detriment.

In this message is the liberation of man given to all freely and with love.

Who among you have the "Spiritual eyes to see and the ears to hear?" And of those who claim to see and hear, how many have the energy to act decisively upon such a world-changing course?

Raymond Karczewski


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