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live action movie

Well, first off in the new movie, I'd like for Steven Speilberg to actually direct, not just produce. 2ndly, it would be great if it were rated pg-13, that leaves alot of room for language and violence simulated or not. 3rdly, who should play spike? Thats a tough one, no hollywood type pretty boys allowed! Actually an unknown will be fine, like I said no prettyboy, surfer, new yorker types, no offense. Spike needs to be a middle american or southern ruffneck but respectful. A Matthew McCanohey type but younger. I'm sure no one has even thought that he may not necessarily need to be white, but he doesnt have to be. Actually he wont get the part, but Toby McGuire (spiderman) would be perfect. Casper VanDein (starship troopers), or that what's his name from Smallville Clark Kent. Someone with a down to earth quality, and somewhat intellectual, but remember this guy is a construction worker mechanic type originally. Something tells me, I will end up watching someone from American Pie or Road Trip in this film though LOL.