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Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

I bought the European CD of the Online Bible a lot of years ago and included in it was the Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique. I haven't been using the program for a long time but would really like to have access to that bible dictionary. Is there anyway or was that just a happy part of history past . We don't use the "M" word any more but I am a qualified International Worker and this purchase was through that program.

Thanks for whatever wisdom someone might have for me.

Tim Tjosvold

Re: Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

I suppose this was a part of La Bible Online Premium 2006 cd-rom of Editions Cle? and not from Online Bible cd-rom European edition (Importantia which had a smaller French content at that time as the premium). Both these products are outdated, and the european cd-rom is already upgraded to the Online Bible DVD-Rom by Importantia (Recently a new edition)

La Bible Online Premium 2006 is a product of Editions Cle in France and they should take care of updates. Recently Importantia added the content of the old La Bible Online premium 2006 to their Online Bible DVD (French edition) and have that available with a premium 2006 unlockcode. Only in this way the old premium 2006 content could be made available for windows 7. The premium 2006 cd-rom doesn't work under win 7 and is no longer available.

If you do have the premium 2006 cd-rom and want to use it under windows 7 you can ask Editions Cle about this, they should take care of an update for this

Re: Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

Thank you very much for your quick response . . . on a SUNDAY! You are incredible! I'm afraid that my version is probably even older than that. I think I bought it when I was teaching in a Bible Institute in Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire between 1993-97. So, I suppose there is not any hope for an antique of that vintage. It is quite a blast that I actually got it to install on my Windows 7 and it seemed to work for the most part. At least I could look at the Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique which is about my favorite single volume work in any language. Then I downloaded a "version 3" and installed it on top of that and then I downloaded a "version 4" and installed it on top of that. #4 erased everything and said that the CD didn't have authoritative whatever. I might just take it off and return to the ancient version. It matches my ancientness anyway. I use other programs as well but nothing with that Dictionnaire. So, thanks for your counsel. Would it be worth my going to Importantia or should I just accept it like I do my arthritis . . . signs of the Lord's grace in the long term?

God bless you Friend. Keep up the great work. I still can't believe that you got back to me so quickly . . . and on a Sunday! You are GREAT! Have a good day.

Gratefully yours in Christ,
Tim Tjosvold

Re: Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

Well, one more note. I ended up getting the old program installed (which in the end comes from the early 2000s) and then I installed Version 3 on top of it. Olala! It's great. Is there any reason why I want to go to Version 4. I had forgotten how much was on that CD. I have it all running under Version 3 and it's super. I even got the locked versions of the Bible working with my codes and I have access to the Dictionnaire that I like so much.

The only problem that still bothers a tad relates to using the Koran. I wrote to someone a long time ago saying that it was pretty much blasphemous to put the Koran in the program as a version of the Bible. I still feel that way but it doesn't really matter. The more practical issue is that I can't see how it can work among the versions of the Bible as the concordance and reference features doesn't work at all. It has none of the same categories (books, chapter and verses). I have another program to find stuff in the Koran but if this worked it would be good. Someone should consider taking it out of the Bible versions and putting it with other religious books and programming it in such a way that it would be possible to find passages or words. It would be a major help for those of us who work with the cousins - Muslims.

There you have it. I am mega happy with Version 3 with all my old stuff working. I probably don't need anything more. Thanks for your quick, kind and EXCELLENT assistance. You really are great.

Grateful again,
Tim Tjosvold

Re: Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

My quick reply was simply "coincidence". Fine everything works for you. There is an expansion in French titles, but if you don't need them, just continue with the old version as long as it works on your configuration.

Re: Old Versions - Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblique

Thanks much! Blessings!
